




26 (human years)




Mutt. Vaguely resembles a German Shepard.

Eye Color:

Shocking ice blue.


Mostly just short brown and black fur.


It is short fur that is just a couple of shades lighter in color than his hair. However, over his right eye a white mark. It starts on the right side of his muzzle, near the nose. From a point, it gets a little wider towards his eye. Once the edges reach above and below the eye, they sharply turn sideways across his face, and converge in a point just below his ears. It sort-of looks like a pointed boomerang covering his eye. His ears stand up on their own.


Mostly uncontrollable Dimitri-style hair. It is very dark brown in color. It usually hangs down in front of his eyes.


Cero has a fairly normal build.


Futuristic-looking gear. Basically, it's a cross between Leon Kennedy's outfit from Resident Evil 2 and Solid Snake's outfit from Metal Gear Solid. It's mostly form-fitting black and gray material, with lots of pockets, storage spaces, and holsters. A metal protector covers the chest, shoulders, and some of the arms. He almost always wears this. He also has black finger-less gloves.

Super Powers:

An incredible sniper, with super patience. He's also ambidextrous. (Meaning he can use his left hand as just as well as his right)


Uses most firearms very well, but is an expert with a sniper rifle.


He's usually pretty cold and calculating. Cero's very patient. He doesn't make friends easily. However, he is quite a compassionate person when it comes to certain things.

Fighting Style:

He prefers to study his enemies and wait for them to drop right into his cross hairs. He's a sniper. They do that. If forced to, he can hold his own in a fight. He was trained by some of the best in most relevant areas of fighting, but specifically prefers to take out targets from a distance.


Realizing the effectiveness of General Parvo's cano-mutants, ex-(rank) Storm decided to attempt to make his own canine servants. However, he also noticed that normal mutants did not have the same level of skill that normal cano-sapiens had. So, after skillfully stealing Parvo's set of blueprints for the Cano-Mutator, Storm forcefully got some of the most brilliant scientific minds he could kidnap to work on modifying them to make cano-sapiens. Eventually, the process was completed. However, it had one unforeseeable flaw: The process destroyed the dog's loyalty attributes so much so that they would be about as loyal as a normal human. Storm did not know about this, however, so he went out in search of some of the most militarily talented dogs he could find. One of these dogs was Cero. Once transformed, he became the sniper in an elite group of dogs. Storm paid for this group to be trained by the best mercenaries he could pay off. Soon, this group of cano-sapiens was one of the best military units that a villain could hope to have control of. They became fairly close. Some as comrades, some as good friends. After being trained, this group decided to betray Storm and hire themselves out as mercenaries. Needless to say, Storm was not happy. But thanks to the training he himself had paid for, the group was able to avoid or crush all attempts at revenge. Soon, the mercenaries were in such high demand that they had to split up to finish tasks. Cero was quite happy about this turn of events. While completing missions alone, he was able to think. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he was very unhappy with his life. This feeling was enhanced when one of his targets, Dervish Vagabond and his bike Valkyrie, defeated him and gave him an example of something more that he could do with his life. Cero went back and joined up with the rest of the mercenaries. After a few more missions, he decided to leave the group and pursue something more lawful. When he announced this to his comrades, most of them respected his decision and let him leave in peace. The leader however, didn't like his leaving one bit. He vowed to himself to get back at Cero for this betrayal. But, Cero was free to do as he wished. After surviving on his own for a while, he decided to get back in touch with the person who was a prime influence in his decision, Dervish. They eventually met, Dervish initially thinking Cero was back as an enemy. When Cero didn't fight back though, the Sheltie stopped to hear what he had to say. Dervish listened and was wary of the situation, but accepted it in the end. Initially, they didn't work together intentionally. This was mostly due to Dervish's slight distrust of Cero. He used to be an enemy, after all. But eventually, after seeing many good deeds by Cero (and being saved once or twice along the way) Dervish asked Cero to become his partner. Cero accepted, and they worked as a good team for a long time. They still do independent missions sometimes, but mainly they are an inseparable team.

*NOTE* I haven't figured out what to name the group of mercenaries, or the names of any group members. If any of you out there have any ideas as to the name of the group, please mail me. I will consider all names. The person who gives the best name will get credit in any stories I (or hopefully any other people) make that happen to feature the group. Oh, and I will not name them Unit Fox-Hound. J I could get in some copyright trouble with that one…