Guardian Part III By Luke Trickett The team boarded the chopper in silence. After stowing their gear, they took their seats. Hunter began the pre-flight checklists, and Otakis continued to brief them on the mission. The team exchanged nervous glances as he spoke. “Ok team. We are leaving soon. We will land approximately two miles southwest of the operational area. After we de-bus, we will make our way to a position designated by me, there we will set up surveillance posts, and watch the caverns for activity. I do not foresee any activity in the area while the sun is up, but we are going to watch anyway. At nightfall, we will split into two teams; Colleen, you and Exile will stay as a rear guard at the entrance, while Hunter, Dervish and myself will enter the caves to flush them out. If any of them slip past us, you will deal with them as they try to leave. As we go through the caverns, we will place the thermite fusion blocks at specific locations. These are our fail-safe. Each of them is remote- linked to a central timer, which will be set for one hour. If we are not finished within an hour, we can assume that something has gone… Wrong. The timer cannot be altered, so if we are still inside when they go off, we will be killed. In short, we will be done in an hour, or we will be dead.” The team members looked at Otakis with faces full of dread He changed the subject. “I see you have all chosen swords as your bladed weapon. All except you, Dervish, What is that you have there?” Dervish removed a bullwhip from around his shoulder, he uncoiled it and took up the business end in one hand. “It’s a whip” He answered. “I usually use one, so I just had Alec modify it for this mission. The split end is now tipped with three silver- plated blades. Not quite as effective as a sword or dagger, but it’s what I’m used to.” Otakis smiled sardonically “I like the way you think. Gotta go with what you know.” Hunter started the engine and Otakis took a seat next to him in the cockpit as the chopper took off. Otakis noticed that Hunter seemed to be looking everywhere but at him. “So what’s your deal?” Hunter was silent for a moment. Then answered. “I still don’t like your plan. So my decision stands. If I choose to, I will abort the mission, and return the team to Mission control.” “As you wish, my master.” Otakis rumbled. The flight was rather brief, and soon they landed the chopper at the designated LZ. As Hunter secured the chopper, the team disembarked, and began to get into their gear. Otakis was checking his body armor, when Exile approached him. “Otakis, I am wondering why you are choosing to leave Colleen and me at the entrance. Why not taking us with you? We are capable warriors too.” Otakis turned to the big husky and explained. “I am leaving you behind as a rear guard because you are the best. I need the best of you as backup. If they try to escape, I need to be sure they will not escape.” “Ah, I am seeing now. We are last resort, so we must be the best. Da.” Otakis put on his sunglasses and nodded. “Da, tovarich” Otakis sheathed his katana behind his back, and took up his canvas carryall. The rest of the team finished their preparations, and together they set off towards the vampire’s lair. As they walked, Otakis approached Colleen, who walked alone. She seemed to not see him approach. “You do not trust me, do you?” Colleen sighed, as if trying to contain her wrath. “No, I don’t.” “And why is that?” Otakis asked. “Shepherd told you not to, didn’t he?” “He told us enough. He told us how you almost got Charisma and Kickflip killed! How you stole hundreds of dollars worth of supplies when you left. Yes, he told us about what kinda bloke you are.” Otakis snarled, bearing his teeth. “When we get done here. I am going to have a little meeting of the minds with Shepherd. It will not be pretty.” He let the threat hang in the air, and walked away. Within an hour, they reached a boulder-strewn plain across from the caverns. Otakis sent each of the Rovers to a separate position, and ordered them to wait. Watching the cave and keeping in touch by radio. The team split up, and Otakis settled down into a space between two rock outcrops, took out a pair of small folding binoculars from his pack, and began to watch the cave. The team commenced radio checks. Unusually, for this mission, the team members used their actual names as callsigns. “Strike team, this is Hunter, requesting radio check. Over.” “Copy that Hunter, this is Colleen, reading you loud and clear. Over” “Hunter, this is Dervish, all clear on my frequency.” “Exile here, coming in Lima-Charlie.” “Otakis. Copy that.” The wind blew, keeping the team cool in their positions despite the sun. All eyes trained on the cavern. For hours they waited, in intense boredom. Until the sun sank in the sky, becoming a small orange blister on the horizon. Then Otakis broke radio silence. “Strike team, This is Otakis, Prepare to deploy.” The Rovers each crawled out of their hiding places, and crept to where Otakis lay. In the failing light they crouched, and waited until the sun had set. “Ok guys, this is where the fun starts. Hunter, Dervish, you are with me. Colleen, you and Exile take up positions in the lee of those rocks by the entrance. We go in now.” Using the larger rocks as cover, they moved to the mouth of the cave. Colleen took cover behind the left boulder, and Exile went right. “Switch to infra-red.” Otakis whispered. Hunter and Dervish donned their goggles, and covered the cave while Otakis put on his. The mouth of the cave loomed black and foreboding as they moved inside, Their sensitive canine ears pricked up, listening for any sound from within. The soft crunching of their boots on the floor was the only sound as they moved inside, weapons at the ready. A whispering ‘aah’ broke the still air, and Dervish’s finger tightened on the trigger of his shotgun. Still they crept along. A few dozen yards into the cave, Otakis whispered into the mouthpiece of his radio headset: “Hunter, check your ten.” Hunter looked, there in a shadowed niche in the cavern wall, something crouched, watching them with luminous red eyes. It settled down into the darkness and hunter brought his shotgun to bear. The crouching figure leapt at him, hissing and spitting! Almost without thinking, Hunter squeezed the trigger. The Mossberg roared, sending a wall of silver shot towards the vampire. It was stopped in mid-flight, and fell to the ground, groaning. Hunter looked at the raw, red mess of the things chest, and gaped. As he did, the thing jumped to its feet and slashed at him with its claws. They scraped across his chestplate, and Hunter fell backwards. The strength of the thing was unbelievable! It advanced, preparing to strike again. A high-pitched whistle from Otakis caught its attention, and it turned to look at him. The bowstring on Otakis’ crossbow thrummed, sending a three-eighths thick hardwood bolt through the air, and into the things chest. It clutched at the flights of the bolt with useless fingers as it fell back to the ground. Otakis kicked it aside, and pulled Hunter to his feet. “There. He who hesitates is chipped and shredded!” He growled. “You have to be quicker!” Dervish let out a yelp: “There they are! On my three!” Otakis and Hunter looked, sure enough, three more of them stood, like silent sentinels, watching their actions. Dervish aimed his crossbow, and shot at one of them. The bolt disappeared into the gloom, and the three heard the thud of it hitting its target. There was a groan and one of the vampires staggered into view, the bolt through its shoulder. It lurched at Dervish, who sidestepped the things advance and pulled his whip from his shoulder. The other two charged, and Hunter and Otakis found themselves facing them. Dervish’s whip snapped at the legs of the wounded vampire, wrapping around them as it ran at him again. He put another bolt through the thing’s chest as it squirmed on the floor, finishing it. Otakis’ shotgun coughed, hitting the second in the arm and reducing it to a raw pulp. It came at him still! Dropping the gun Otakis swung his right leg around in a sweep kick, knocking the thing to the floor, before it could react, he pulled a stake from his leg pack and nailed the vampire to the floor. Hunter avoided the punch the third vampire aimed at him, and seized its arm at the elbow. He delivered three quick blows to the vampires ribs, and released it. Aiming his Mossberg again, Hunter shot it in the back as it staggered away, it fell to the ground and was quickly pinned there by another crossbow bolt from Dervish. “It’s a good bet they know we’re here!” Hunter growled, gathering his wits. “They know!” Otakis answered, picking up his gun and slinging it behind his back. Dervish retrieved his whip from the ankles of his victim, and recoiled it around his shoulder. Together, Otakis and Hunter gathered the bodies together and place the first of the thermite blocks by them while Dervish stood guard. “How many more of them are there?” He asked when they were done. “I can’t say, Probably a lot” Otakis husked, pulling his sword and facing the darkness of the cave. Outside the cave, Colleen and Exile heard the commotion, Across the darkness, they exchanged glances. “Well” Exile shrugged “It appears they have been made.” “Once again, It’s on.” Colleen answered. Inside the cave, the three could hear clear noises from ahead. Low, hushed sniffing and the occasional growl. The passageway widened a little, becoming maybe twenty feet across. They spread out, and continued down the strange hall of naked rock. Suddenly, Otakis stopped. “What’s wrong?” hunter asked in a hushed voice. “We have miscalculated our enemies strength. There are a lot more of them than I thought.” Otakis Dropped to one knee and opened the large holdall. “Looks like its time to let old painless out of the bag…” Otakis removed a few items from the bag and handed one to Dervish and one to Hunter. “What is this?” Dervish hefted the strange weapon in his free hand. “It’s a flame thrower. A compact military model designed for one person to use. Turn the dial on the left side and squeeze the trigger.” Dervish did so, and the flame-thrower’s pilot light ignited. He slung the shotgun behind his back, and covered the passageway with the nozzle of the flamer. “Now, don’t pull that trigger unless you mean it!” Otakis cautioned. Hunter studied the weapon that Otakis had handed him. “This aint no flame thrower.” He whispered. “No, its not. It’s your standard submachine gun, firing steel-core, silver hollow-points.” Hunter stowed his shotgun in the holdall and prepared to move on. As they moved in, Dervish caught a fleeting glimpse of something moving ahead. “I got movement ahead.” They picked up the pace, and soon came out into a large cavern, some thirty feet across, and maybe twenty high. From a small archway across the room, came the vampires. At least a dozen of them, terrible, flame-eyed demons that spat and hissed at them as they spread along the walls of the cavern. “Otakis! What are we gonna do?” Dervish asked in a hushed whisper. “KILL ‘EM ALL!” Otakis roared, charging towards the center of the room. He leapt into the air, flipping over the heads of two of the vampires, and landing firmly on his feet. “Ok!” he whispered to the vampires as they crept towards him. “Who wants some? Who wants to get a little?” One of them attacked him from behind and Otakis spun around, bringing his sword in a flashing arc that separated the creature’s head neatly from its body. A second vampire leapt at him, and his sword continued its course through the thing’s abdomen. Otakis elbowed it in the head, and it staggered away. Meanwhile, a few others had turned their attentions to Hunter and Dervish. Two of them charged Hunter, who backed off a pace or two, bringing the SMG to bear on his assailants. The SMG chattered loudly in Hunters hands, hurling a spray of bullets at the vampires. One of them fell to the ground with half of his head blown away, while the other came still. Hunter snatched at his crossbow, where it hung at his side, and quickly put a bolt through its chest. He turned to Dervish, who was being faced down by three of them. As he looked, Dervish let fly with the flamer, sending a searing gout of flame towards the three vampires. Clothing and hair ignited in the intense heat, and the vampires reeled away like living firebrands. Hunter put a bolt in each of them as they collapsed. Otakis’ sword flashed silver in the firelight, separating another vampires head from its trunk. He swung low, removing ones leg and quickly pinned it with a stake from his leg pouch. An orange blur shot through the air and Dervish landed next to him. “Having a vampire problem?” “Aww, can it!” Together they attacked the rest of the crowd, and soon the air was filled with the cries of the wounded and the chatter of machinegun fire. A few slipped by them, and Hunter called over the radio: “Colleen, Exile, got some strays heading your way!” Outside, Exile stared intently at the cave entrance. Within a minute, three of the vampires emerged. Exile leapt out from his hiding place and grunted: “Alright everybody: Chill!” The darkness was lit briefly by the intense blue light of Exiles freezing blast. Three neat ice-statues stood in place of the vampires and Exile grinned. Colleen fired at the statues, reducing them to small frozen pieces. “Well that was easy!” she said, smiling. Inside the cave Otakis, Hunter and Dervish surveyed the remains of the vampires. Hunter placed more of the thermite blocks around the room, and then turned to Otakis. “Is that it?” “I doubt it.” Something moved in the shadowed corner of the room. Through the infrared goggles, Otakis watched it disappear out of the room like an animated shadow. He looked to Dervish, who stood watching hunter placing the thermite blocks. “I am going after that one. You two keep on going. I will be in contact through radio.” Dervish turned to see the Otakis’ trenchcoat disappear out of the room. “Huh? Wassat?” “What’s going on?” Hunter asked, looking up. “I dunno, He said something about going after one, and keeping in touch.” Hunter frowned. “I guess we just keep going. Oh well, he knows what he’s doing I suppose.” They gathered their equipment and headed out of the cavern, moving down a long, rough-hewn passageway. Despite their sensitive ears, they heard no further sounds for a long time. On and on they walked, going deeper into the roots of the mountain. Until the gloom almost threatened to envelop them. With no sources of light or heat, the infrared goggles were useless here. There was no infrared radiation for them to pick up. Hunter stopped and called for Dervish to do so too. “What’s going on?” he asked “I’m gonna lose these goggles. They don’t work here.” They removed the goggles and hunter reached into a utility pouch. He took out two flashlights, small pen-size models. He switched on one, and handed the other to Dervish. He activated it, and gripped it in his mouth as they continued on their way. A static-charged voice in their ears caused them both to jump. It was Otakis, on the radio. His transmission was badly broken up, due to the dense rock of the caverns. “Hunter, it’s me. I’ve lost the scumbag I was trailing…Think…Light Ahead… Maybe a nest…Will stay in touch….” “Hello? Otakis! Hello? Damn. Lost him!” Hunter shook his head. “I got a bad feeling about this.” They carried on down the passage, each of them trying to ignore the gnawing concern and fear that they felt inside. They both were beginning to wish they’d never came on the mission. Suddenly, Dervish stopped. “Shh! Can you hear that?” “Hear what?” Hunter strained his hearing, trying to listen for any sound. “Water! I hear running water!” Sure enough, there it was. An occasional splash and gurgle of water. Maybe an underground stream or spring? Hunter nodded, and they headed on towards its source. Hunter took the lead, shining his flashlight ahead and keeping the SMG trained to the lit area. As he approached the source of the noise, he heard a low whine, almost a sob. To his surprise, the passage ended and there at its end was a small pool, fed by a spring that issued from the rock wall. At the edge of the pool crouched a small girl. Grimy and very scared. She stared at Hunter with large, fear-filled eyes. He lowered the SMG, and turned to Dervish. “It’s a kid! A little girl! And the passageway ends here!” Hunter turned back to the pool, just in time to see the child’s innocent, fearful face transform to that of a thing possessed! She growled like some great beast, and Hunter saw that in her hand, she carried a large meat cleaver! As she charged at Hunter with the cleaver held high, he lifted the crossbow from his side and shot her. Despite the bolt, she came still! “God! Oh God!” Hunter screamed as she prepared to strike. Dervish shouldered Hunter aside and squeezed the trigger on the flame-thrower, turning the pool into a searing, steaming inferno. After long moments, he released the trigger, and stared at the result. Hunter reeled away from Dervish, dropping the SMG. He crashed into darkness, as he fell, something pulled the silver short sword from its scabbard at his side. He looked to around for his flashlight. After locating it, he looked around for Dervish. He caught a brief glimpse of him standing there, lit by the light from the flame throwers pilot light, then something stabbed at him with the sword. Hunter saw the flash of silver in the firelight, and rolled to one side. The point of the sword cut through the side of Hunters left bicep and he shrieked. Hearing Hunters scream, Dervish turned and saw the vampire holding the sword, preparing to deliver the final blow. In an instant, Dervish dived forwards onto the SMG where it lay on the sandy floor of the passage. He rolled forwards, leaping to his feet behind Hunter and bringing the SMG and flamer to bear on the vampires snarling visage. Pulling both triggers simultaneously, dervish drove the creature back and away from him, but still advanced, hosing the vampire with liquid fire and scything silver as he moved towards it. Rounds ricocheted from the passage walls as he closed on the creature, some of which hit his armored chestplate. Dervish advanced undaunted. “I think you got him.” Hunter croaked from behind. Dervish looked at the mess, which had been the vampire. Then turned back to Hunter. He was bleeding badly from the gash in his arm, but would make it. Tearing some rudimentary dressings from Hunters blue bodysuit, Dervish bandaged the wound, then helped Hunter to his feet. * * * Otakis sniffed the air, checking for the scent of the vampire he was tailing. Nothing. No scent save the musty dampness of the caverns. He growled a little and continued into the gloom, heading towards the dim light ahead. ‘This sucks’ he thought, shaking his head. ‘I can’t believe that I dragged Shepherds cronies into this with me. I should have just done this by myself and made good on it. Hunter didn’t need to know. What a dumba** I am!’ As he stood, lost in his own thoughts, Otakis was hit in the back by something hard. He staggered forwards, and hit his head on the rocky wall of the passage. As he passed out, Otakis fancied he heard laughter… “Nearly there buddy!” Dervish panted to Hunter as they approached the mouth of the cave. They could see starlight outside and Dervish could smell Exile and Colleen. Hunter had lost a lot of blood, and was very weak. He sagged on Dervish’s shoulder and walked with staggering, stumbling paces. “Nearly there.” “Yet so far!” A clotted, gurgling voice crooned from the shadows. Dervish turned to see the source of the voice, and was hit in the face with what felt like a rock. Swearing he heard something go ‘crunch’ in his head, and tasting blood, Dervish released Hunter and looked around for the attacker. “Hunter, get out. I’ll take this one!” Hunter hastened to obey. His legs felt like lead, and every step required a Herculean effort. Dervish did not see him collapse into a niche in the wall, barely three paces from where Exile was hiding. “All right funny guy!” Dervish shouted. “Where you at? Huh? I can’t see ya! Why don’t you poke your head out?” He turned in a slow circle, pointing the flamer in front of him as he did. “Alright, maybe I can flush you out!” He growled, pulling the trigger, and watched the shaft of fire shoot into the darkness. He waved the flame this way and that, scorching the walls of the cave. Soon he was rewarded with the high-pitched yelp of the vampire, which leapt out from cover, torched down his right side. He ran this way and that, beating at the flames. Dervish grinned at the vampire’s antics, then jumped as something blue flashed overhead and struck the vampire in the back, quickly surrounding it in super-dense ice which quickly shattered due to the differences in temperature. “Aww, Exile! Whatcha do that for? That was funny!” Dervish scowled at the Russian. “We have not got times for the games!” Exile barked. “Come! We are running out of time! There is only five minutes left until detonation of thermite blocks!” He grabbed Dervish by the collar and stomped out of the cave. “Oh. Ok” Dervish mumbled reluctantly. As they left the caves, he turned to Colleen in her hiding place. “Where’s Hunter? Did you see to his arm?” Colleen frowned. “I thought he was with you.” Dervish shook his head. “I sent him out just a moment ago. Exile, where is he?” “I thought he was with her! I heard you tell him to leave…” The three looked at each other. Then the realization dawned on them. “I’m going in for him!” Colleen yelled, running into the cave. “Colleen! Wait!” Dervish started after her, but was grabbed by Exile, who held him fast. “She will be fine. Her and Hunter are having the luck.” “No Dammit!” Dervish shouted. “They’ve got less than six minutes. We’ve gotta go in there and find them!” Exiles eyes flashed as he pulled Dervish close and growled: “NO!” As they argued, none of them saw Hunter stagger out from his niche in the rock and wander out of the cave. He stumbled forwards and collapsed at their feet. Exile put Dervish down and they looked at Hunter blankly. A moment passed before they reacted. “Hunter! You’re here!” they cried simultaneously. Exile picked hunter up and carried him to a rock, where he laid him. Hunter opened his eyes, and saw the two leaning over him. “Exile, Dervish” he croaked. “Where’s Colleen?” “She went in after you!” Exile moaned. * * * Otakis woke up in the gloom of the cave, with a large bruise on his head and a highly toxic taste in his mouth. ‘Ah, what a horrible nightmare!’ He thought ‘Wait a minute… Oh God! I CAN’T MOVE!’ He was tied up! Bound to a stone column in the center of the room by his wrists. Directly in front of him, was all his equipment. Including the fusion blocks, which had had their detonators removed. A single vampire was seated on a block of stone opposite him, watching his movements. “Welcome back on line!” It said, almost cheerfully. “You nearly succeeded here Otakis, nearly got us all. Actually, I’m pretty proud of you. You’re quite a legend to us nightstalkers, you know. Yeah. The ‘invincible dog-man’, with the funky, high tech gadgets and the weapons. You know, In Mexico, they say you have the evil eye! That you can kill a vampire just by looking at him! That’s quite a reputation, but really you’re just a wannabe. A fake. Actually, you’d make a good vamp, that’s why I am gonna start rebuilding my family with you. Yeah, you’re gonna become one of us. But first, I’m gonna have a little fun with you!” Behind the column, Otakis pulled back the glove covering his bionic arm, and grasped the metal with his real hand. The vampire picked up Otakis’ crossbow and pointed it nonchalantly at Otakis. “You ever been shot with one of these things?” He asked “Hurts. Hurts a lot actually. Here, try some!” he pulled the trigger and the bolt flew across the cavern, pinning Otakis through the shoulder to the column. A hiss of agony escaped from Otakis’ muzzle as the vampire put the crossbow down and strode towards him. “Does it hurt as bad as having your arm cut off?” He grinned. “Oh yeah, how is your arm? That bionic replacement working out is it?” Otakis twisted his bionic arm, releasing it from the quick-release connectors on the flesh and blood part. “Yeah!” Otakis growled at the vampire “works just fine! You know why?” “Why is that?” the vampire answered, with fake curiosity. “Because it’s detachable!” Otakis brought his hands into view, with the real hand clutching the bionic one by the wrist. He clicked it back into place and flexed it open, inch-long silver blades sprang out from the tips of the fingers, and he slashed through the rope tying his wrists together. The vampire jumped at him, but Otakis drove the claw up and into the creature’s chest at the sternum lifting him up off his feet. Gagging and coughing, the vampire clubbed Otakis on the bruised part of his head with an iron-hard fist. Otakis collapsed and the vampire wasted no time in running out into the passages of the caverns. Climbing groggily to his feet, Otakis picked up his shotgun and ran after the vampire. Colleen jogged through the darkness of the cave, calling Hunters name every so often. Nothing came back to her save the echo of her own voice. She felt the strange chill of the caverns, and shivered. ‘This place is a tomb!’ she thought. ‘Maybe Hunter made it out after all. I might have missed him. Plus there’s only three minutes until the bombs go off. I’d better turn back’ She turned, and felt her way along the wall, then she began to jog again. Slowly, cautiously she made her way back towards the entrance. For long minutes she jogged, hoping to see the light of the stars again. Nothing. She felt despair creep over her like a black fog, threatening to overwhelm her. Then she heard a noise. A shuffling sound in the gloom ahead. Hunter? “Hunty?” she whispered “Hunter? Is that you?” “No! Not Hunter! Not here!” came the response, dark and grating, yet grinding and sepulchral as the bells of hell! Colleen gasped, and from out of the shadows flowed a figure. Moving like quicksilver, it grabbed her shotgun from her hands and clubbed her in the face with it. She fell, sprawling on the dirt floor and looked up at her attacker. Twin red lamps burned in the face of the vampire, and in the dim light from her flashlight she saw the red mess on his shirt. Where had that blood come from? Hunter? The vampire laughed as she crawled away from him, shaking her head. “Perhaps I will get to take one of you after all!” He chortled, driving Colleen against the cavern wall. “Don’t bet on it!” Came a familiar voice from nearby. Otakis! There was a click of a weapon being taken off safe, and the vampire’s eyes converged on the barrel of the shotgun as Otakis shoved it into its face just below the nose. “Buckle up, bitch!” Otakis pulled the trigger. * * * Outside, Exile and Hunter argued while Dervish tried to calm them down. “You can’t go in, comrade! The thermite detonates in thirty seconds!” “And you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do! I am NOT losing any of my team in there! We will find them! I am the leader, so I say get your gear, we are going in!” Exile scowled at hunter where he sat on the rock, clutching his bandaged arm. “Hunter, you are relieved of command!” he barked. “Hunter chill out!” dervish cut in. “There are plenty of places to hide in there! They will be fine” “You don’t get it do you? Thermite is not normal incendiary explosive! You cannot hide from it!” Exile snapped at Dervish. “Whaddya mean ‘relieved of command’? You can’t do that! When the Master hears about this, you’re gonna…” Hunter’s frenzied yelling was cut off by the muffled ‘crump’ of explosions from within the cave. The ground shook slightly and soon a scorching gout of flame shot out from the mouth of the cave. Causing them to duck behind cover. When they looked back, the floor, and walls of he cave were burning as though soaked in gasoline. Hunter hung his head. And Exile began to cry. “Aww maaan…” Dervish sighed. They sat there in near silence for a few moments, each of them contemplating life without their colleagues. No one said a word. They simply stared at the inferno within the cave. The flickering fire seemed almost peaceful. Dervish continued to watch the flames while Hunter and Exile wept. Something moved inside the cave, deep within the hellish fire! Two figures that grew larger as they moved forwards. “What the fu…? Guys! What is that?” Dervish called to Hunter and Exile. They looked. Sure enough, two people emerged from the fire. Otakis, and Colleen. Both a little scorched, but physically undamaged. They moved out through the knee-high flames and stood outside the cave. Otakis popped his neck and looked about. “Why are you crying?” Hunter’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “How could you survive that?” Otakis grinned. “A magician never tells, Hunter!” Colleen began to adjust her hair. “Blimey! Do you have any idea how long it takes me to shampoo and condition all of this?” She grabbed her tail and started to brush the sand out of it. “Colleen, how did you do it?” Hunter asked. “I don’t know…” Colleen answered with a dreamy look in her eyes. Later, at the chopper, Hunter and Colleen found Otakis sitting on a rock, watching the sunrise. They approached him, and he snapped out of his trance. “What do you need?” He asked. “I see your kit isn’t on the chopper. You’re not coming back with us, are you?” Hunter raised an eyebrow. “No.” “I thought you said you needed to talk to the Master?” Colleen was quiet. “No, I can’t go back. I don’t belong there. But if you ever need a guardian, I will be there for you.” Otakis picked up his bags and walked away from them, towards the sunset. As the chopper took off, Hunter looked at the ground for Otakis. Maybe he saw him, just a flash of his black leather duster disappearing behind a rock. Nothing more. It reminded Hunter of the Lone Ranger re-runs he used to see on TV. ‘Who was that masked man…?’