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Welcome to the secret files of Dervish. This is his bio. I made this up
for those of you who wanna know more about the ever loving, orange
furred, Metallica lovin' Dervish. Ummmmmm...Please use this information
for good purposes and such. Enjoy!
Dervish Vagabond
Approximately 23
Height (Cano-Sapien):
Height (Canine; at the shoulders):
Weight (Cano-Sapien):
145 lbs.
Weight (Canine):
16 lbs.
Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
Eye Color:
Emerald green
Used to be short and spiky. Now it's just below shoulder length,
and usually pulled back into a ponytail. There's usually one or two
strands falling in front of his eyes. It's pure, snow white in color,
and very straight and smooth.
Mostly short, orange fur. Starting in the middle of his forehead,
a wedge of white fur goes up between his ears, and continues down the
back of his neck. It looks sort of like a triangle. Also, right above
his nose is a small 'mountain peak shaped' thingy of white fur.
Fairly strong, but not too muscular. Not like Blitz or Exile,
anyway. He's got good lookin' pectorals and nice lookin shoulders. =)
Chest and Back:
Coming off of the back of his neck is that stripe. The
top edge of it wraps around his neck and joins together just above the
collar-bone. the sides of it on his shoulders are right where the collar
bone joins. These go down in front and back to join at a point a little
below the sternum (or midway down the back). It sorta looks like a big
choir robe thingy. You know, the diamond things that go over their heads
and rest on their shoulders. 'Cept bigger and less precise. All the fur
within this mark/stripe is snow white. The rest is orange.
Not blatantly muscular, unless flexing. Then they're a bit
muscular. Ummmm...The fur is orange, mostly, except for a white mark
down on the lower arm. (Yeah, another one.) His hands are white, and
on the inside of his arm, just below the wrist, it starts to break
off into orange. It looks like an orange wedge being driven into the
white. Sorta. This white wraps around to the top and joins on the top
of the forearm about three-quarters of the way up. It joins so that
it looks like a white wedge being driven into the orange on the top
of the arm.
I dunno. fur down to about mid-shin, where it
turns white. No special marks.
It's fluffy. =)'s brownish/orange with a white tip.
Wears blue or black jeans. If it's hot out, he'll wear blue
jeans-shorts that go down below his knees, and are a bit baggy.
He wears lots of different shirts, but his favorite is just a
plain black tee shirt. That's the one he wears the most.
He'll sometimes wear a hat. He's got a couple of them. One of
his favorites is a black hat with a flaming Dervish symbol on the
Outside and on missions, he just about always wears either a
black leather jacket with his symbol on the back in a circle of
flames, or a black trench coat with a flaming symbol on both
Super Powers:
The ability to use almost any weapon fairly well, and
to understand and be able to do technical computer work, like
hacking into systems, disabling security nets, etc. (It's not anything
as cool as being able to fly or have super speed or something like
that, but it'll do. =))
He uses the whip. Yes, that's right, the whip. He's REALLY
good at using it, too. As with his super power, he can also use just
about any other weapon fairly well. Be it the sword, or a rocket
launcher, he can use it pretty well. He's a good aim.
Okay....ummm....he's friendly, and very humorous, but
has really great difficulty expressing his feelings, even to his best friends.
If you're his friend, he'll be a really good friend to ya. He's good
at listening to people, and doesn't get bored very easily. When
fighting an enemy, he'll usually taunt them by saying whatever's on
his mind, like "Ooooo, nice move! But not nice enough." or "You know,
you should really work on your aim." and stuff like that. He doesn't
let anyone get too close to him. At least, he hasn't so far...
Derv's voice is cool. It's fairly deep, and very resonant.
I mean, it's not deep like James Earl Jones or something like that. But it's
not a high pitched voice, either. I dunno...Send me suggestions of
people who would fit for Derv's voice, and I'll see if I can find some
.wav files of 'em.
Fighting Style:
Derv is very conscious of his environment, and will
use whatever's in his vicinity to some advantage.
He's very tactical, and works as well on a team as he does on his
He's also very athletic, able to do backflips and cartwheels and
such whenever he wants. He uses his whip to great advantage, also,
using it to swing around on things, and pull on things,
and other stuff like that. He also uses weapons a lot. He uses all
of his skills in conjunction to become a great fighter,
both in general melees and in long-range strikes, and tactical stuff.
He also has an uncanny sense of when things are sneaking up behind
him. That helps him a lot.
Okay, here's the deal. Derv doesn't really know much about
his past. It's a mystery to him. It's what drives him, and gives him motivation.
But, being the nice guy that I am, I'll tell you what I know. Here goes...
Dervish is actually a lab experiment. Hey, now there's a plot twist.
Furthermore, he's an experiment of General Parvo's. Hmmmm. Interesting.
Parvo was trying to perfect the Transdogmifier, you see, and was constantly
performing experiments on helpless subjects: Human and animal. To that point,
he had only been able to make cano-mutants, but he saw the wisdom in making
smarter, more loyal followers. So, he was trying to make cano-sapiens. Well,
he had this secret base in the far north and Midwest of the U.S. for a while,
which he was using to perform his experiments. One day, he tried to combine
a human and a dog to make a cano-sapien. Midway through the experiment
(which was looking like it was going to work, for a change) the Road Rovers
were detected flying in fast. Well, being the smart villain that he is, Parvo
set the auto-destruct sequence in this base, and quickly fled with the Groomer.
The Rovers never had a chance to investigate the area, after Parvo eluded them,
due to the fact that it was just smoldering rubble at the time they got back.
They quickly put out the fire, and went on their merry way. Meanwhile, in the
base, a being awoke. He was a cano-sapien. He had knowledge of how to do stuff,
like walk and talk and such,
but had no recollection of his memory. Go figure. =) Well, since he had
no name, he just thought one up, and it happened to be Dervish Vagabond.
(He didn't have a specific home, and wandered around a lot. He was also
fairly athletic, and able to whirl around and such while attacking)
In his time in the destroyed base, he spent time repairing the computer
system to see if he could put his past in order. He didn't find out
anything about his past, but he did learn a bit about some experiments of
Parvo's and a lot about the world around him. (There was an encyclopedia
in the computer records)
Before venturing out into the wilderness, he first set up the ruined
base as a fallback home, just in case, and also fashioned a whip for use
as a weapon and tool. Then he ventured out and wandered around, helping
people when he could, making some friends, and trying to find out about his past.
He didn't meet the Road Rovers for about 5-7 years. When he did, it was
because he saved one of them and nursed them through a 3 month long coma.
(I won't tell you which one, 'cause that's for another story) That's how
he met them. They let him use their technological resources on occasion, and he
helped them with some missions. It worked out pretty well. But he always stayed a loner.
Then one day, he lost a bet to one of the Rovers, and as payment for it was
forced to become part of the team for a year.
There are alternate paths of events in various fic-verses, such as in
Jeff's fic-verse where Derv was taken to the planet Caninus soon after
he became conscious, was brainwashed, and eventually became president
of the planet. And the one where Derv is a transformer. (My dream come
true! =)) But those might or might not be explained another time.
That's all I can tell you right now of his history. I'll probably tell
you more sometime soon. If you'd like to write about him in your stories,
I'd greatly appreciate it. You can use this information to your advantage.
There you go!
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